Behold! The return…

Four years since the last post. Four years! That’s an epic amount of time in the music world, but my estrangement from Pretty Loaded on Gin doesn’t signify a gap in my listening, love, or listing. Quite the opposite….

In fact I’ve been listening more intently than ever. My taste has developed, becoming at once broader and deeper as I roam the borders of my known sonic territories. Occasionally refreshing myself with a return to home base – dusting off familiar favourites, rediscovering lost loves, and finding the place to just have fun in it all. During the pandemic that’s been more important than ever.

I’ve also been working hard on the design and branding for my little time capsules. It hasn’t been easy trying to find a style for the tiny, prohibitive rectangles that are so omnipresent in the streaming age. Especially as the number of ‘official’ lists swelled beyond the 50s, diversified and subdivided.

Luckily, I love a limitation, so I nerdily set about making it work. With one style for the new New Found mixtapes (recently retitled from Latest & Greatest), and others to help group and celebrate specific genres, artists and moods or themes.

That’s it, in a nutshell. All thats left to do is watch this space!

Listmaster Dickie
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